Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ
Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ
You Are
Erica Campbell
Statement of Christian Integrity
Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ is an organization founded on biblical
truths. Each writer and written manuscript has been
permitted on the website based on the writers integrity
and obedience to walking according to the precepts written
under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ has made a commitment to lovingly
hold each writer accountable through prayer, Christian
counseling, and the word of God.
Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ reserves the privilege as Sistas in Christ
to lovingly minister to writers found in an unrepentant
lifestyle in an effort to bring about repentance through the
grace and truth of God's word.
Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ acknowledges and exercises the right to
gracefully discontinue publications by writers that are
habitually living an unrepentant lifestyle, contrary to the
Christian principles the organization was founded on.
Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ exercises the right to gracefully
discontinue any publications of writers that have falsified
information during the interview process or on any
Sistas Saving Sistas for Christ have made a commitment to God, our
audience, and one another to walk according to the precepts
set by the word of God and abide by the statement of
Christian Integrity that has been set forth by the organization.